Short Pieces from the Previous Year

Several people have found this blog comical: does it count as a blog if it has only one entry?

And so I’m reviving it, roughly one year from the last entry. It is possible, however, that it will become a blog with only one posting a year.

Here are several blog-like, or otherwise short things, I wrote in the last year.

1.     Ford Madox Ford once said, provocatively, that if one turns to page 99 of any book, the entire book will be revealed there. Marshal Zeringue uses this idea as the point of departure for his blog, The Page 99 Test. I recommend it! It worked especially well for my book but it’s also one of those wonderful exercises that illustrate how connections radiate out from most places, if one only looks (in this case, looking to a specific page). Here’s the post I wrote for my book:  Page 99 of Climate Change, Interrupted.

2.     Writers Rebel is website that brings writers, artists, and activists together. I’ve learned a lot from the short posts on the site. They’ve also recently introduced a new climate library site. I wrote a post entitled “Occupy Time.”

3.     The always excellent Energy Humanities site, focused on energy and culture, has an Author’s Note feature. I wrote a piece on my book entitled “Break Time.”

4.     This past summer, in response to the wildfires burning across Canada and the smoke blanketing the northeast US and Canada, I wrote an OpEd for the Ottawa Citizen: “Canadians Must Keep Talking –and Fighting Disinformation—about Climate Change.”


Three Ways of Looking at the Sky


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